Training for professionals in Dentistry

Full day stays for 3shape CAD-CAM training.

Stays of a full day or half a day for training in dental aesthetics, veneers.

Stays of a full day or half a day for training in implant techniques, guided surgery, provisional …




Places: Maximum 5 people.

Location : Durán & Burgos Clinic.

The training includes lunch, coffee break and dinner for the course.

Contacto: Srta. Laia Nuñez

Teléfono: +34 938 944 479


With our Synergy Full 100% Digital Workflow programme, we combine collaborative work between clinicians and technicians. Students will learn to use CAD-CAM to achieve predictable final results, design harmony, work with various 3D models, perform different types of milled restorations, and combine diverse techniques to create restorations of the highest quality.

This two-day course will enable participants to learn the entire technique, design, scan, and understand all the processes required to master it.



  1. Balance between symmetry, harmony and imperfection.
  2. Photo and video session, technique, camera settings, studio flashes, hands on direct patient / student.
  3. Bruxchecker, technique and interpretation, static vs. dynamic study of the patient.
  4. Emotional Mock up vs Final Mock up.
  5. SKYN Concept- Copy of nature using digital technology.
  6. Preparation and surgical guides for soft and hard tissue aesthetics.
  7. Minimally invasive preparation for bonded esthetic restorations, guides.
  8. Double Scanning Technique / Hole Technique: vital tricks tips.
  9. Provisionalization in clinic vs. laboratory, technique and materials.
  10. Adhesive cementation.
  11. Hands-on: Complete the step-by-step clinical workflow of the AZ, where the student will be able to technically scan with Trios and submit a case.


  1. Digital wax-up and printing of the 3D model.
  2. Creation of a nature-based library.
  3. 3D model printing. Types of models depending on the work we are going to do.
  4. Realization of the final work based on the Wap up Digital.
  5. Choice of materials for our restorations.
  6. Creation of Cad-Cam temporaries based on the final design.
  7. Color pickup.
  8. Choice of technique to make our restorations (Milling, Injected, Stratified).
  9. External makeup technique to achieve a natural result.
  10. Each of the participants will be able to make a digital design and will be able to see live how we mill our restorations.


  • Degree in Dentistry International University of Catalonia.
  • University Diploma in Implant Dentistry from Göteborg University.
  • Postgraduate course in oral rehabilitation and dental aesthetics, ”Corso teorico pratico di Protesi Fissa e Protesi Estetico-Adesiva: restoring the dental element only to the full ability of the case” Dr. G. Fichera, Monza, Italy. </ li >
  • Postgraduate Gnatology “Gnatology: Occlusione e funzioni dell’apparato masticatorio Fondamenti di gnatologia per la riabilitazione restotivo-prostica Diagnosi e treatment dei problemi occlusali, disfunzioni e disordini temporo-mandibolari” Doc. G. Fichera, Monza, Italy. </ li>
  • SEPA-ESADE Course, Business Management of the Dental Clinic, ESADE, Barcelona.
  • Technical Course B.O.P.T. Ignacio Loi.
  • Diagnostic and Periodontal Surgery Course. Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zuchelli.
  • RAW Skyn ​​Protocol course. Dr Florin Cofar. Timisoara, Romania.
  • Peri-implant Mucogingival Surgery Advanced Course, Implants in the aesthetic zone, Dr Paulo Fernando Carvalho.
  • Dr. certificate by Invisalign.
  • Dr. certificate by LUMINEERS.
  • Member of the Spanish society of periodontics osseointegration SEPA.
  • Member of the minimally invasive Spanish Dental Society.
  • Member of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery SECIB.

Fabián Soto

Formación Fabián Soto

  • Dental Prosthesis Specialist graduated from Ramón y Cajal school in 1998.
  • Member of SEPES (Spanish Society of Stomatology Prosthesis) and ACADEN (Andalusian Scientific Association for the dissemination of Dental Prosthesis).
  • Speaker at national and international conferences.
  • Opinion leader of Ivoclar and Renfert.
  • He has taken courses with different technicians of international prestige such as August Bruguera, Oliver Brix, Aki Yoshida, Gerald Ubassy, ​​Hiro Tokutomi, Jungo Endo, Aldo Zilio, Paul Fiechter, Volker Brosch, Shigeo Kataoka, Nondas Vlachopoulos, Tininnha Gomes, Thomes Sing, Oriol de la Mata Sacha Hein, Dr Ignacio Loi (BOPT Technique), Alexandre Santos, among others.
  • He has been in August Bruguera’s laboratory for 9 years.
  • He has carried out stays in laboratories in Italy.
  • RAW Skin Protocol course. Dr Florin Cofar. Timisoara, Romania.
  • CEO of the Fabián Soto S.L laboratory

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